Tuesday, October 04, 2005

resources for touring BC

Q: I would love to do a show up there in B.C. can you possibly help or point me in the right direction. I am looking into the spring 2006 as I should just be releasing a new album. Let me know if you can help. ~ Montana
A: A good resource to start with might be Music BC's directory... it lists BC radio stations, venues, etc. I don't know what it costs, but here's their contact info...
Music BC, #501 - 425 Carrall St Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3 Canada
Telephone(604) 873-1914

If you're a member of a US musician's union, contacting the one up here might help -

since you play acoustic... you might fit folk/world... here's a local org that organized fesitvals -

if you're interested in playing colleges/universities -

good place to list your show dates -

It's US, but check out Seattle's 'Bumbershoot' festival -

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